Happy Customers!!

Happy Customers!!

The Colour-me Healthy range of mental health colouring books are hitting the mark!!

Could they help you too???.

Most of these designs were created when Jane was in the specific mood or feeling of the image, and now they are serving to help others let out their feelings and emotions too.

"Jane’s books were delivered promptly and immediately fell into the hands of my girls. They quickly chose the feeling/emotion to colour in. Seeing their chosen emotion allowed me to have a conversation with them, around why they chose their word and their general well-being.
Thanks for creating an easy way to sit and chat with my girls, in a non confrontational space, about how they are feeling.
I also enjoyed colouring with them!" .... Karina H.
It feels really good to be helping people to open that space for calm conversations and connecting with each other about how they are feeling :)
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